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A b o u t  u s

We are George and Isabelle and together we 'Drift In Love' around the world ticking off our bucket list as we go! When we are not travelling we like to create content as social media influencers over at @isabelleandgeorge on all things surrounding travel, lifestyle, fashion and sustainability. 












On a crazy Friday night 10 years ago, our fate collided at our favourite indie club night in our

hometown of Bristol. We have never looked back! It has been 7 years of living our lives to the

fullest as we made a promise to one another never to miss out on anything either of us wanted to

do. We were just 17 years old when we met and even then we knew we were very young and both

of us didn't want to end up with any regrets later in life. We truly kept that promise and our

relationship only got super serious 7 years later when we committed  to our dreams, joint

our bank accounts and planned to spend everyday together on a 10 month trip of a lifetime

around the world.  Travel has bought us closer together than ever. Our love, respect and

commitment for one another has never been stronger and we are so excited for our future. 








Hi! I am Isabelle who has a real passion for creativity with an interesting eye for detail. I studied

fashion marketing and after landing my dream job quickly realised that the industry wasn't for

me; the strict 9-5 (usually 9-7) wasn't for me, and the sitting inside an office all day certainly

wasn't for me! Although this was the case, my love and interest in fashion will never be

lost and nowadays I see reading Vogue as an important hobby! 


I recently retrained in floristry which I have completely fallen in love with. I now run my

own small business; Isabloom Floral Design and love to mix in my marketing skills every

now and then meaning that I am super happy as I love to write and create social content . . . 

as you may be able to tell! Since leaving school my dream has always been to travel. My

grandad would tell me how he always wanted to see India; meet the people, taste the food,

visit the Taj Mahal and this really inspired me. Study, work, health (endometriosis) and life

in general held me up until I finally met George who made my dreams come true. 




Hi! I am George, a youth work graduate. I decided to study at a later age due to developing my career

in this sector after years in the construction industry. I love nothing more than to work hard

on a challenging project and to achieve life changing results for the youth of today. Thanks to

travel I developed a love for videography and now run my own small business; George Saunders Videography capturing everything from daily travels to vlogs to weddings.


Travelling had never been something that I thought of, as I never really thought it was possible for a normal guy like me. That was until I met Issy and her travel aspirations inspired me and here we are today; addicted to travel! I could never thank her enough for turning me into a dreamer. 




















What we now share is a love for content creation, travel, photography, film and writing

which we hope to develop further and further.


Watch this space . . .

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